After 3 months of being assigned in Manila, I’m now back at
Iloilo where I truly belong. Let me give you the highlights of my 3 months stay
there, what I learned, who I’ve met, loved (again, I never learn), moved on
from, had peace with, taught and more…
On the week of August 20th, my Boss surprised me
with an announcement that I’ll be assigned in Manila for a month to help launch
a new campaign for the ongoing growth and partnership of our company and
client. I had the most anxious and excited feeling that was unexplainable. I
had a lot in my mind when I heard that announcement:
-I’m gonna see the person that had been on my heart and mind
for since august 2011.
-I’m gonna be bugged by my Ex once he hears my arrival in
-It will be the first time that I’ll be going to manila
alone. Usually I’m with either my parents or my Ex for 4 years.
-It’s the first major campaign that I’ll help launch. We’ll
all start from scratch, from policies to training and development of cross
trained tenured agents. But before that major campaign launch, I’ll be
launching a new up-skilling course that I have to learn, review, revise and
train all at the same day. It’s not new to me knowing that I’ve launched
several cross and up skilling training on my own but it’s going to be different
from the ones I’ve finished because it’s the first time that I’ll be training
in manila. The pressure was definitely overwhelming.
I left Iloilo on the 26th of august and my uncle
fetched my when I arrived at NAIA 3. I came prepared with a GPS, background
check of my hotel and the places that I can go to when I’m bored (when I go to
manila, my parents would bring me either in Paranaque with my Grandfather or in
a hotel in front of the US embassy or if I’m with my Ex, I’m always with a car
and would stay in Makati and/or eat and drink at Eastwood City.) I’m definitely
lost without a GPS, so I made sure I had it prepared because my uncle is from
malabon and he’s not familiar with the area where I’ll be staying as well. With
no effort, we got to, my hotel just in time before lunch. I got settled in my
hotel and me and uncle went to east wood since it’s the only place I’m familiar
with. After lunch, he went home and I got back to my hotel to rest for a while.
When I got back to the hotel, I was texting one of the
cousins of my best-friend if she’s free since she’s staying at Makati. So I
decided to dress up and while waiting for her, I visited our Pasig site for me
to be familiar when Monday comes. When she arrived, I felt excitement because I
didn’t know anybody yet, and we’re not speaking in tagalog when we’re together.
We went to tiendecitas, starbucks silver city, went to eastwood again, and went
to bigoli for dinner and gweilos for a drink or 2 before we doze off.
Monday came; I had to start the collection up-skill to
billing day 1 with tenured collections agents. I started my usual training
introduction day 1, which included the campaign and introduction of scope. Upon
hearing that they’ll be handling multiple campaigns just after a 5 days training,
the training room got filled with excruciating negative and violent emotions.
Everybody suddenly got rude, walked out and was not listening to me anymore.
Seeing that I was just a “trainer from
the province” , they didn’t even realize how challenging it is to see them
react that way. Fir the first time, I was so silent in a rowdy room. Usually
I’d already give them “the look” that usually, smart and empathetic people
would understand and shut-up but no. They were all disrespectful. It’s the first
time a walked out of a training room without saying anything. I talked to my
direct sup on site, Boss teng, and she explained how these manila traits are
and that not all of them were understanding and willing to accept changes, even
updates. I didn’t know how to react to this kind of people; it was a day of
first times. I took a deep breath and prepared my mind and spirit on how to
help them accept the news that I just gave them. I got back to the training
room after taking a last deep breath. I asked them to settle down so that we
could discuss things, that time I had a team lead that’s going to be in
training as well, they were all under his team, that’s why they were so
comfortable with each other and didn’t even mind the person talking in front. I
asked them to settle down twice but still nothing, I was literally talking to
the white board. I was losing my grip already; I didn’t want to show them how
dictating and authoritative my style in training is. Not just yet, but this
might be the best time to unleash my restraining abilities. Nobody disrespects
me!. I had them take their 1st break instead, since nobody were
listening and give me the chance to talk to them, I wrote on the white board
instead. “Attention DISRESPECTFUL and ROWDY employees. I’ve been talking for 2
hours already and nobody would give me the chance and respect that I know I
deserve and not beg from you. With that said, take your first 15 minutes break,
turn your monitors off, and arrange your chairs. When you get back, I suggest
not being late for I lock the doors for late trainees or employees. Since
you’re all tenured you should know the importance of not being late
anymore. Prepare your questions after
the break, I expect everybody to calm down after the break for us to understand
each other..Thank You! –John Ian Von Celis- the first full time trainer of ILO
and the 3rd full time trainer across 3 sites. My CIM number starts
with 6 and I just started working in transcom august of last year. Do the math
and ask yourselves why of all people, it’s me who’s being borrowed from ILO”.
Because of the announcement that I gave them when I started the introduction
part of my training, I didn’t even get the chance to introduce my name, role
and purpose to the company. I went out of the training room, still with grace
and a plain mona lisa smile. Bella Aldama isn’t out yet. I was still sweet. I
went to startbucks silver city and didn’t know that my Boss talked to them
while I was distressing at SB. When I got back and opened the door, everybody
was smiling and happy to see me back, then my boss tapped my back before I
closed the door saying.. “okay na yan! Kung may problema pa, sabihin mo lang
sakin at kakausapin ko ulit ang mga yan..” . I felt a mantle of protection
after what Boss teng said, I never felt this protected and cared for since I
started in the BPO business. I was so touched and happy by her words and I got
to gather my strength after what she said, I didn’t know what she said yet, but
I continued what I have to finish before the 8th hour of the 1st
day. (On the latter part she told me what she said to the employees and TLs) I
gave each of them the chance to speak and vent out. But before I started I told
them, “I have no idea of what just happened and what my Boss told you but by
the looks of it, it may have helped you chill and calm down.” …… After all 20
people said what they had to say, it was my turn to speak. “All employees in
this industry signs a contract regardless of how many years you’ve worked here
already, I just want to remind you that the top and most important words in a
contract is FLEXIBILITY, all employees regardless of the role are expected to
have major changes.” I was still smiling and didn’t show them how stressed out
I am with them, there were a few people that were already 10 minutes over break
but still I didn’t react, It’s the first day. Not yet… Writing on the board was
just a minor or a teaser of my competency. Then I told them, “I have been
provided to train you with a material that can be taught for 2 days, since
you’ve been here for a long time already, and only minor things of the changes
are to be taught, if you don’t help me help you, I assure you, and I’m not
saying this in a threatening way, you will all have the hardest time!” I’m a
very strict Trainer, but I make sure all my “babies” are competent enough to
proceed to operations. I won’t go over much detail on this since on the 2nd
day of training I made sure that everybody is on the right behavior nobody
leaves my class incompetent and disciplined.
After a week, I
started my main purpose of travelling. I started training the 2nd
batch of Wave 2 for the new campaign to be launched on the 25th of
September. I experienced the same violent reaction from this new set of manila
people, most of them had been transferred several times already and their CIM
numbers are even older than mine so I already assumed that it’s going to be
another challenge for me. My patience had in fact been tested, this time; I
struggled for a week before catching their trust and attention. But aside from
my classroom training, I had to on board 8 external Team Leaders 1-2 hours
before the actual shift for them to have an advanced PS knowledge since they
will be part of the support group comes the 25th of September. I
also had to help out with the logins, updated materials etc. So it’s a long and
hectic month for me. I don’t have the right to complain nor give the assigned
tasks from others if I want things to go smoothly and accurately. I had to work
over 8 hours to ensure accuracy of all the expectations. It was stressful and
at the same time fulfilling to accomplish these tasks, even alone most of the
time. I remembered that while I was launching the up skilling class, all 7
trainers were doing a T3 every night which I could not attend since I was on
the mid-shift. I had to learn everything on my own. I finished the 3 weeks
training smoothly and certain that all my agents and team leads are well
equipped. Some are even calling my style in training a joke; I’m very strict
but tend to treat them as my babies to the point of “indirect spoon feeding” as
I call it. I only have one reason for it; I don’t want my name to be put to
shame. September 25 came, they were offering an incentive for the first agent
to push a sale, and fortunately it was my agent. Lol
After that day, I had more accomplishments from my agents
and team leads:
-Lowest AHT week and month to date
-Number one team from Sept-Oct cycle
-4 of my agents were identified as floor supports on the 4th
-and 2 have been identified as candidates for the training
assistant role.
Seeing the accomplishments of the people that I’ve nurtured
is so fulfilling, we all had a rough start but their all growing and developing.
I found a lot and true friends since I arrived. Some of them I've already met either through communicator or email and friends that I’ve met
when they were the ones assigned in Iloilo and Bacolod. The first person that
I’ve come to love and look up to was one of our Boss. I see a matured and
female version of me. Strong willed, witty, speaks her minds, gracious and down
to earth. She’s quoted as one of the strongest in our department, we had been
chatting in FB and communicator for months and she’s one of the people that I
really looked forward in meeting. I learned a lot from her, from astrology,
lessons in life and love; she’s my idol and role model. She was the only person
that made time to tour me around manila, alongside the VT gang and BM. She’s
one of the many reasons that made my stay in manila worthwhile. Although I didn't get the chance to meet her anymore when got transferred at our EDSA site. I
know, I can always count on her.
The next person that I’ve come close with is another Boss,
I’ve heard nothing but good from her. She have proven that to me when I arrived
in manila, she’s so protective of us and always mentioning that it’s her job to
protect us from difficult people, although I know I can pacify, but feeling the
motherly protection from her was so
heartwarming, we never had that.
She’s also one of the person who believes my capabilities and competency should
be acknowledged, sadly that won’t be possible. She’s one of the people who
helped built most of the strong leaders around the office. I’ve always looked
up to her when I first saw her. She’s one of the best. You can’t see any other
people cope up with stress that gracefully (, when she’s stressed,
she’d either bug everybody or she’s just silent on her desk. I didn’t get the
chance to bid goodbye to her as well since she’s on a day shift. But she’ll
always be loved J

The next person is a co-worker as well. I also didn’t expect
her to be one of the people that would be my friend. I really appreciate her
for she was the only person who offered assistance when we were expecting it
from the people we thought would be our friend since we’ve met them first. I
did not expect her to be that open and helpful. When I’m with her, we always
talk about life and what we should be learning from past experiences. She may
look 23 but she’s freaking 30! Partly, she taught and helped me to be strong in
terms of love.

Another unexpected friend is also one of my bosses. I’ve
been eyeing the position that was offered to her for months so I got quite
frustrated with her arrival, nobody knew about the opening of the post and she
just popped out of the blue. On the day that she’d be introduced to our
department, I didn’t make any effort to go to that meeting and kept myself busy, or atleast acted. I
realized after that I shouldn’t be acting immature coz that might be one of the
reasons that it wasn’t given to me yet.
When I got back from RD, I introduced myself and acknowledge the changes
that she’s proposing since it was quite accurate and great. We became very good
friends and almost inseparable when I was still in manila.
Lastly... the people that I’ll be introducing are my noted
friends already. My 2 co-workers that I didn’t get the chance to meet and bond
with all the time to avoid arguments with their partners. They were definitely
the people that I should trust and should understand all the time. I got the
chance to bond, drink, eat, do the laundry, got soaking wet because of the
rain, cried with and even vomited with when we were in manila. And I will
definitely miss it.
When I was on the plane and about to land in NAIA, I had
episodes of mixed emotions that were so head aching. It’s the first time after
5 months that I’d be seeing the person that I had been madly in love with for
over a year. How would I react or say hello when I see him? My ex, what if he
knew that I’ll be staying in manila? How will I walk around the streets without
being paranoid that I might be dragged to his car and “talk” to a far place
were I’m not familiar with so that I won’t have any choice? My Ex’s best
friend, after my break up with ex, will he pursue me to irritate his best
friend and destroy their friendship for 21 years?

was working my ass out for weeks already and I decided to go out for a while,
it was a Sunday of the 3rd or 4th week of October when I
went to Eastwood to visit the zippo store and look around for something to
shop. While walking on the streets of Eastwood, I happen to pass by something
fishy were I saw this guy that took my breath away. He was wearing a blue shirt
and playing with his adorable dog. That feeling when you do a second look, in
my case, I did like a forth glance, and almost hit my leg in metal post
dividing something fishy from the gazebo. I then forgot what I was about to do.
October 27th I opened the app I installed in the hopes of finding
true love. I happen to see this guy that looks so familiar. I opened his
profile and to my surprise, it was the guy that I saw in Eastwood that almost
had me hurt my knee because of the 4th glance that I did. I usually
start a conversation with a smiley or a hello but I started my message with a
“can I take care of you?” it took him a while to reply, then when I heard a
notification from the app I accidentally threw my phone away from excitement.
He replied! I opened the inbox and checked his reply. “Are you serious?” then
started our Ping-Pong conversation. I went the extra mile and gambled by asking
for his number. He gave it to me without hesitation. I freaked out! I wanted to call him, but I
gave him time because I have a tendency to scare people away especially if I’m
dead serious about them, so I just texted and introduced myself to him, we
texted a bit before sleeping. The following day I gathered strength to call him
up. We were actually preparing to go on a joyride with my friends and while
waiting, I called him up. When I heard his voice, I literally fell off the
chair while smoking. (PBB teens lang!) He’s so smart! Which made me more
excited to talk to him, but my friends were so rowdy and he asked me to just
end the call so that I can talk to my friends. I was sad since I wanted to stay
at the hotel and talk to him instead but I respected what he wanted and ended
the call. The next few days I wanted to talk to him but I always ask permission
before calling because I didn’t want to disturb people. I was texting and
texting but got no reply for days. I got worried a paranoid that he might be
another guy from the app that’s just bored and wanted to talk to somebody as a
passed time. After 4 days, I decided to call him without texting; he then
answered the phone, after saying hello, I asked him why he’s not replying, I
was already texting him that I was worried and paranoid. He did mentioned that
he was quite shocked why I texted that way, he then said he was really busy
because he was preparing for a big visit for that week. I said I understand
since I’m in the middle of the 3 weeks visit in my company as well. He shared a
lot on that 45 minutes talk over the phone, his location, work, previous
relationships and even added me on FB because he was browsing his picture in FB
where he was awed by his nephew’s pictures with him. It was the best talk that
I had for years with the “kilig” factor. He also shared how he is as a Boss, giving
and considerate, which enlightened me. He had to cut our conversation short
because he had to sleep 9pm and had to wake up 3am every day since his shift in
5am. After the call, I texted if I can wake him up. He replied with “okay yan
ah! I wake up at 3am.” After that day I call him 3am every day without even
texting. My heart and mind identified him, I love him already. I didn’t have to know him better; I wanted to
stay in manila, with him. After a few days, I woke up in the middle of my 8
hours sleep, actually half awake and half asleep, my unconscious body texted
him that I love him and I hope he’d be the reason for me to stay in manila
since a lot of people in the office wanted me to be assigned in manila
permanently. When I woke up, I noticed there’s
a text message from him. “wait lang sir ha, nakaka pressure kana kasi”. I was
shocked with what he texted and just realized and saw the previous text
message. I was so stupid to text him like that, I just drove him away. And what
hurts is. I love him without knowing him completely. I kept on trying to
communicate with him but until now, I’m not getting any answer anymore. I don’t
want to get in to further details anymore. Reminiscing my stupidity and
remembering him hurts me so bad. I thought he was the one, I moved on from struggle
because I saw and knew him. I love him! I never learn, I went to manila single
and went back home single. I just thought he’s the one. I know for a fact that
my heart and mind never fails me. Currently I’m restraining myself in
attempting to text or call him. What I know of is, even if I’m ugly, I know i
can take care and love him and he deserve the attention that he should be
getting from a partner. I asked several chances even just friends but nothing.
He closed his doors before I even stepped in. I’m so pathetic. But hey, At
least I risked and I do not regret the risk of informing him that I can promise
forever with him. I wanted to grow old with him. As of the moment I’m still
hoping and waiting. I wish we’d, at least, start over as friends. He’s changed
me in a way of me just knowing him. Although I know it will take me months or
even a year to forget him. I’m happy that he’s the reason I get to love again.
I learned a lot on this trip. I will always carry this given
opportunity with me. I had a lot of fun, learned a lot, love and failed again.
I hope things will go well next year.
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