People always call me a "worry wart" or "praning/paranoid" And by definition ...Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. When in a middle of a conversation through text message or call.. it cuts off and the person could not be contacted anymore.... I would try to text and text and call and call that person and even try to get the exact location of that person because I need to see for myself if the person or friend is okay.... Reason behind? September 29,2006 I was suppose to meet my "ex-bestfriend" for a coffee time in smallville ...I was still taking my nursing course in IDC back then...Our meeting place was in Mcdonalds west ave. I also called up my other bestfriend because we're just buildings apart from her school so we waited for her there... it was her lunch break so she just accompanied me till "ex-bestfriend" arrives.... I ca...