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A month of no Facebook or any other social networking sites: day 2

day 2... still tempted.... I honestly miss Facebook.... how would I know my friends current status or dramas? but still being strong and standing by my commitment ... it's very hard... I'm still tempted in checking how he's doing... hearing the "how to save a life" music in the cab earlier... I'm really wishing him all the happiness he deserves...

This day at work was quite steamy... this know it all but call center virgin beeyotch was all over our training room..lashing her unethical and "squateric" started after the role play for call simulations... they jined our room since our log-ins was not yet modified and we needed to share their logins... one of my teamates gave a grammatical feedback about the ssn vs the last 4 of the socials statement and this girl was going crazy over her reaction.... coming from this unfortunate looking bitch who seems to know it all but can't even fix her own style in life.... I had tp stand up for my teamate and tell her who's the queen! they were all shocked because 2 hours I just kept silent even if their giving bad comments bout my trainer... but it reached my threshold of patience when that bitch reacted that way... when I stood up..well modulated voice and poised as usual..they all looked at awe and shock ... and I explained that the reason why my teamate reacted that why is it's because we were taught the professional way and not the side walks was....

did they react? who would?who would withstand how my diction,grammar and sentence contruction was delivered?who are you to react impolitely?! who care If you went to assumption in your highschool days?!your reacting as if you came from a remote public school!even their trainer was shocked..and they even pronounce trainer as "trainor" no wonder you don't know the professional words in a call center!

I have to admit... I applauded the role play agents call handling but what I couldn;t stand is how that girl reacted,commented, dressed and need I say LOOKED?! she looks like the freaking ghost of christmas past!

It has been my duty .. acknowledged or not to stand by who I'm stand by my teamates...friends and family! just as long as I know I'm right! why shouldn't.t I fight back?!

If this feud continues till the actual call ..I don't give a damn!

Be careful who your dealing with because you have no idea who your messing with!




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